Monday Talk 5th Feb

5th February 2018 - 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm - ££3.00

It was a grisly, drizzly, wintry day in Lydgate but over 20 several hardy souls ventured out intrigued to  meet Dolly Blue in the Parish Hall. After homemade cake and piping hot coffee and tea , Jennifer explained to them that Dolly was going to take them on a journey….a journey back in time!

Dolly asked one simple question, ‘Who remembered going to the cinema in Oldham? ‘All hands shot up and from then on the audience , guided by Dolly reminisced about  the number of picture houses there were, their exotic names but not so exotic interiors. (They weren’t referred to as flea pits for nothing!). There was a quiz about film titles,  music listened to and songs to be remembered and sung. It was all great fun and the hour just whizzed by.


There is a serious side to what local lady, Dolly, aka Sharron Pollitt does. She started  employing her alter ego Dolly Blue when working in care homes. Often residents can become so isolated and lonely even though they are surrounded by lots of other people. Sharing memories can open up conversations and help people get to know each other better. Sharron now runs her own business as a companion, visiting and /or taking out the housebound or people  in residential care. If you know of anyone that would benefit from such care email for more information.


As for our talk, it certainly brightened up our day, there was lots of laughter and chatter….and we made even more money to assist in the refurbishment of the Parish Hall. We hope Sharron can spare Dolly to come back again in the autumn!



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