Crochet Poppies For The 1914 Centenary

20th November 2014

100 Years On

One thing we were very involved in was the knitting, crocheting and sewing of poppies for the 1914 Centenary in November and the creation of a trail of poppies around the village and, especially, on the lychgate and surroundings of the Church where the commemoration of the wall plaque was held.  We also learnt a new skill when Lorna gave classes in making beaded flowers.  This resulted in a beautiful display of beaded poppies in the Church for the Memorial Service

If you are interested in sewing, embroidery, and like handicrafts and would care to join us, we are currently meeting in Lydgate Parish Hall, 2-4pm on Wednesday afternoon.  We are always pleased to welcome new members

IMG_0946 Beaded Popies 1   IMG_0947 Beaded Poppies 3



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