24th March 2019
  1. Attended by: Margaret Merckel, Jennifer Greenwood, Lesley Sweeney, Ian Merckel, Rev Pat Gillian, Geoff Roberts, Brenda Roberts, Adam Jones, Andrew Heathcote, Lesley Heyes, Rachel Hadfield, Nita Porter, Gordon Whitehead, Celia Gledsdale
  2. Apologies: Molly Ellis, Dorothy Clarke, Frank Boocock, Lorna le Fevre, Emma Houghton, Ruth Trickett, Janet Watts, Kath Ryder.
  3. Minutes of the last AGM: May 1st, 2018. Taken as a true record.
  4. Matters arising: None
  5. Report from the Chair: Jennifer read out her report of the organisation’s activities over

    the last 12 months (attached).

  6. Treasurer’s Report: Before presenting her financial report, Margaret was warmly

    thanked for her commitment to keeping our accounts and maintaining a rigorous procedure for expenditure. In turn Margaret thanked Peter Harley for auditing the accounts. JG will send a letter of thanks on behalf of Love Lydgate,

  7. Health & Safety: The Chair reassured members that H&S was of paramount importance to the organisation. The issue appears as an agenda item for all meetings, appropriate insurance is in place, risk assessments completed for all activities. Andrew and Rachel are properly certificated First Aiders and their qualifications are current. So that we can all be confident in the administering of First Aid, a refresher course is being provided at the Parish Hall, 2.30, May 13th. If after this we feel we need a more intense course we will arrange it.

    The meeting was reminded that Clare Pritchard from the White Hart reception takes responsibility for overseeing the Defib and filling out reports for the Ambulance service. JG to send a thank you card for this continued support.
    Margaret keeps up to date with her Food Hygiene Certificate and informs the team on the correct protocol when food is being served.

    Celia asked about the regularity of PAT tests in the Parish Hall as this doesn’t seem to have been done since 2017. She wanted to make sure that the sewing machines would be done at the same time. JG explained that there were concerns about H&S issues at the Hall and a list of responsibilities was being put together for the Building Committee. In the meantime, Pat would enquire through the PCC.

  8. Reports from Sub Groups:
    • Environment and Planting. Last years planting had been referred to in the

    Chair’s Report. The hard work of the whole team was again mentioned and the generosity and support from OMBC. Lesley S is waiting to hear from them

regarding the In Bloom Project. If they are involving us, we need to take their

plans into consideration when planning for our own planting.
• Lydgate Stitchers. Celia who facilitates this group gave a report. (Attached) There were general comments from the meeting on the high quality of the work produced by the Stitcher Group and appreciation for the vibrancy and creativity they bring to the village. Their current piece of work is much bigger than the 2012 wall hanging and there was some discussion about where this could be displayed. Ideally it needs to be in the Parish Hall. Celia and Jennifer to discuss

with Rev Pat and the church wardens.
9. Election of Trustees. Those who stood last year were thanked for all their hard work. All

had agreed to stand again, and Pat asked to be considered too. All 8 were proposed and seconded and voted in by a majority. Molly, Andrew, Rachel, Jennifer, Margaret, Lesley H Lesley S, Pat.
The Officer Roles were then suggested and voted in unanimously. Chair Jennifer, Vice Chair Lesley S, Treasurer Margaret, Secretary vacant.

10. A.O.B. Under this heading we moved on from the AGM to discuss the management of admin and communication and forthcoming events. A list of events was circulated (attached).

  • Brenda has volunteered to help Jennifer run the Love Lydgate Face Book Page.
  • Lesley H, Lesley S and Rachel have agreed to take on some admin tasks. Lesley has a suggestion on how this could operate which will be discussed at the next

    Steering Group meeting.

  • JG to compile a list of tasks.
  • JG to ask Janet if she can help to update the Website. Rachel may be able to

    assist. JG to ask Phil Dunster to meet with the small group.

  • Gordon may be able to help with the newsletter in the winter months. Lesley S

    suggested getting one out for our 10th Anniversary year. Lesley, Gordon and JG

    to meet to look at what needs to be done.

  • Pant Sale/Home Bake. Our next meeting on 7th May is less than two weeks

    before the event. Need to start preparing now.

  • Please start splitting plants, growing herbs or seedlings etc.
  • Making jams and chutneys and have cakes ready for May 19th.
  • Need to advertise. Who is doing this?
  • PH booked. Junior church leaders happy for us to set up Sunday a.m.
  • Celia will find out if Stitchers are having a stall.
  • Volunteers were asked to put up bunting on Friday April 26th for Simon and

    Rachel’s wedding.



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